Wednesday, June 19, 2013


PROPHETIC VOICE FEBRUARY 2013 FEBRUARY, MY MONTH OF DOUBLE PORTION (2 KGS 2:9, ISA 61:7) Year 2013 is our year of multiplication and expansion in supra-geometric proportion and this month of February signals the full entry into the grace of bounty and supra-abundance. There is a journey this month from Gilgal and crossing over the Jordan for a supernatural enduement of grace that will surge you into the divine supply of surplus. Grace will be released this month to fulfill your divinely orchestrated desire. This month, for sure, the Lord will settle you and fully restore you into your destiny glory. Elisha’s journey with Elijah is the prophetic navigating scene that will unlock this month’s prophetic provision to you. Elisha, by divine election and arrangement was connected with Elijah to understudy him as an ordained replacement for Elijah. Elisha went through a very rough and rigorous apprenticeship program under the no-nonsense prophet called Elijah. With his humility, submissiveness, endurance and unequal display of loyalty and focus he completed his prophetic training as his master was exiting the ministry scene in grand style. Heaven came for Elijah in a ready chariot of fire and terrific whirlwind and simultaneously the time was equally set for Elisha to be fully inducted into a new destiny arrangement that presented an opened cheque unto him. Elisha by his training has come to term with the desire for supra-ordinary, and so when given the singular chance of placing demand, he asked for the unusual “DOUBLE PORTION OF THE KIND OF GRACE ON ELIJAH.” The senior prophet also recognized the hardness in the request of Elisha (vs 10). Elisha succeeded in collecting the mantle of Elijah, a connecting symbol of the double portion grace. Counting the recorded miracle of the duo, one can see that indeed the recorded miracles of Elisha was twice that of Elijah. Again, Elijah left Elisha behind as a successor but Elisha left a community of prophets raised under his leadership. Listen well, God is saying to you this month of February as you prophetically and prayerfully connect that: 1. You will be connected with somebody that will succeed in raising you far higher than himself/herself. 2. You need to persevere and endure for after your endurance comes enjoyment in superlative and supra-lative dimension. 3. Your journey this month is a prophetic replica of Elisha’s Gilgal-Jordan journey of destiny re-construction and fulfillment. 4. Everything on your way this month that is stationed to deter, debar, detour, discourage or destroy you shall be terminated. Every dream terminator shall be terminated for there is the unchanging determination to fully fulfill you this month. 5. Anything that leaves your life this month will surely create space for supra-double and best to take over. The exit of Elijah launched Elisha into his full destiny fulfillment. 6. When your destiny pack arrive with the divine envoy you will not be blindfolded, you will see your blessing clearly and with your two hands grab your destiny belongings. 7. The mantle that will enable and fulfill your prophetic and destiny mandate will be handed over to you this month. In a concurrent current of prophetic declaration, the Lord said also through Isaiah concerning you that “For your shame (instead of your shame) ye shall have double; and for confusion (instead of confusion) they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall be unto them” Isa 61:7. WELCOME TO FEBRUARY; YOUR MONTH OF DOUBLE PROTION OF ANOINTING.

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