Wednesday, June 19, 2013


PROPHETIC VOICE APRIL 2013 APRIL, MY MONTH OF ENCOUNTER FOR HARVEST (JOHN 4) Welcome to the month of the fourth dimension, a month you will go beyond yourself by the power of the Lord. This month comes in the symmetrical pattern of the:  4 mighty effusions of the water of spiritual revival of Ezekiel 47.  4 deepening intimacy levels of Ex 33:7-11.  4 gospel records of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  4 directional mission adventures of Acts - Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and outermost part of the world (Acts 1:8). In a strategic symbolic manner, the prophetic text for navigating the month is taken from the fourth chapter of the fourth gospel (John 4). In this text, 4 different kinds and levels of encounter are captured:  The woman of Samaria by the well.  Those who heard the woman’s testimony and believed.  Those who had personal encounter directly with Jesus aside the woman’s testimony  The disciples on Jesus’ entourage. This fourth month, the challenge for us focuses on  Definite personal transformational encounter that will turn your life around positively and permanently.  Digging deep into the real issues of your life – opening up the secrets for the sacred (vs 16).  Giving your limited to provoke the release of the unlimited to your life (vs 10).  Moving beyond the mere traditions of men to understand the real demands of the kingdom (vs 20).  Profound spirituality that will produce movement of “Depth” that will eliminate “cosmetic” Christianity (vs 34).  Understanding true worship done in spirit and the truth of the revelation of the scriptures (vs 24).  Believing through others’ testimonies (vs 39).  Encounter beyond intermediaries (vs 41).  Challenge of urgency of harvest (vs 35). This month is a month for definite encounter that will provoke you into the harvest field and deeper intimacy with God. The encounter of the Samaritan woman by the side of this historical well is a masterpiece in the New Testament narratives. This discourse took the woman beyond mere traditional religionism – the spectacular she experienced produced the real spirituality she badly needed. Her philosophy of religion and theology was radically transformed. Jesus engaged her in a life transforming discourse that challenges all her world views she was holding on to. This month, there is a similar encounter you will experience and it will launch you into your real destiny package. 1. I thank you for launching me into the month of April. 2. A fully appropriate all grace released upon this month. 3. I refuse to be devil’s refuse or spiritual dustbin. 4. Oh Lord! Make me encounter you one-on-one and touch me where I need you most. 5. Uncover my secret so I can discover myself and discover your grace and mercy. 6. Exchange my “limited” with your “ultimate.” 7. Feel me till I want no more. 8. Give me testimony that will positively affect my land and draw people to you. 9. Enlist me in you vineyard for the harvest of this time. 10. Let my worship be true and really spiritual.

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