Friday, August 10, 2007



The season of Easter is a time of great reflection on the magnanimity, the tenacity and the authority of our faith, a recollection of the demonstration of the divine power over the insurrection of the power of hell. The drama of resurrection is an affirmation of the authenticity of God’s authority over all things. The empty tomb is a clear evidence that God is always in charge.
No matter what you may be passing through, the severity of your situation or the definition of your problems, an encounter with the risen Lord is the answer to all seemingly unsolvable questions your problem may be posing. The Lord says I should tell the following divine truth as you march through the huddles of life:
 Matthew 28:1 – “In the end of the Sabbath…” Do you know that the season of silence and inward groaning will come to an end? Every Sabbath has an end. Your period of inactiveness, hibernation and frustration will give way for to divine encounter, demonstration and lifting. There is going to be a release (an order) from heaven for your release. The story of your life will change for the best and the dawn of the era of joy, victory and lifting is already by your door. A new day will come with new “doings”, for God is ending a force from heaven to enforce His counsel in your life.
 Matthew 28:2 – “Behold…the angel…rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it.” What the Lord is about to do in your life will be made visibly clear, a manifestation that every one can behold. God is launching you into a strategic realm of tangible manifestation. You are coming under the influence of divine favor and mercy. God’s grace will be seen in you. God is about to do a thing in your life that may not fit into the test tube of reason, actions that human vocabulary may not be able to fathom or define. There will be a shaking off, a rolling back for a going forth and a total destruction of every obstruction to your progress and fulfillment in life. Power will descend on you from the throne of God propelling you into the season of actualization of your dream and divine destiny. God will discharge you from all evil prison of limitation and failure and He will give you a prophetic charge from today to be in charge. From today, nothing can hold you back again from being fulfilled.
 Matthew 28:5 – “…Fear not…” What a reassurance that all thing is now settled! The pain is gone so the panic has famused. Instead of being fearful you should be frenetic for all your flagitious enemies are acatalectically silenced for ever. As a child of God you must not be diffident, you must know your position in Christ. The power of resurrection has positioned you in a place of perpetual victory. You must never be afraid again. There are 366 “fear not” in the Bible and they are meant for you each day of the year. It is well with your soul. Be launched into your season of fulfillment and victory from today!

Your Friend,

Rev Dele Kolade
(President GLODET Mission)

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