(A paper presented by Dele Kolade at the ministers’ training workshop of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Kakuri, Kaduna 30-01-10)
he Issue of foundation is paramount and fundamental to everything. The strength, agility, capability and durability of any structure largely depend on the nature of its foundation. To Christian calling and ministry, the issue of foundation becomes more important because ministry borders on matters of eternity that can not be experimented upon of any malady anyone can talk about, the scriptural malady is the worst and the main offender (culprit) in the matter of spiritual malady is the minister who has a faulty Foundation or who is theologically bankrupt.
Calling to ministry is sacred and the work of the ministry must equally follow the divine pattern. FUNCTION MUST FOLLOW FORM (Ex.25: 40, 26: 30, 27:8, Num.8:4, I Chro. 28:12, 19; Acts. 7:44, Heb. 8:5). The one who calls is the one who holds the compass and the holder of the compass determines the circumference (I Jn. 15:16). The issue of ministry foundation in this paper presentation shall be looked at from 3 main angles or perspectives:
We must also define our confines, in that this paper is not sufficient enough to exhaustively deal with every issue of ministry foundation. The issues considered most crucial shall be dealt with within the confines of time and writings.
The gospel project is a divine - human collaboration. Right from the beginning, God enlisted man on the on-going redemptive project. We are co-laborers together with God. The person of the preacher or the Pastor can not be separated from his preaching; the man can not be separated from his message. You must have clear understanding of what it takes for anyone to be called or be used in Christian ministry. Let’s examine some persons from the scriptures used by God in special ways.
(A) ELISHA’S MODEL: - I Kg 19: 16-21
“Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as King over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place ----
-so he departed from there, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he was with the twelfth. Then Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle on him ----
Then he arose and followed Elijah and became his servant”. In this text, relaying the call of Elisha the prophet, these basic facts must be understood about the person called by God for divine assignment.
(1) Mediocre are not called to Ministry: - Ministry is not a cheap means of meeting personal needs. Lazy man can not stand the task of ministry. Idle hands can’t handle gospel project. Elisha was located on the field, incredibly driving twelve yoke of oxen all alone. Amos was called while following the flock (Amos 7:14-15). A man called by God into the ministry must first stand out as a good steward of whatsoever he was doing.
(2) Those called by God must re order their preference. Your ultimate must be God. If you don’t take the ministry above every other things you are not yet ready to take off (I Kg. 19:20-21).
(3) By human standard those called by God may not be the most qualified. They may be unlearned and ignorant but teachable (Acts 4:13)
(4) A man called by God must have “Spiritual genetical connection (I Kg. 19:21). He must be ready to be mentored. Ministry is all about serving and the best way to be enlisted is Spiritual apprentiship.
In the call and commissioning of the disciples in Mark 3:13-15 are some facts to know “And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons”
(1) The place of the call in this text attracts attention. Why go up the mountain top? It is the mountain top that separate the minister from the multitude. In Matthew 5:1, when Jesus saw the multitude, he went up to the mountain and only the disciples joined him there. In Moses’ day, only him could climb to the highest point of the mountain, the multitude were never allowed. A man that will be used must be prepared to go extra miles especially on spiritual formation and exercises. There is the “mountain” experience for every minister that wants to make it in ministry.
(2) On the wanted list! Not every one can hit or enter the wanted list of God. God is in search for the hot cakes! Ministry is not about those people want to be there or those with mere personal ambition to gratify, but men and woman on the divine wanted list! The idea of divine election must be understood. The Gennesaret Lake’s ministration in Mk 5 may help us grasp this concept.
(3) “And they came to Him” – Ministry begins with submission and not cohesion. There must be the willingness to surrender and come to.
(4) “That they might be with Him” – Ministry is not about “doing” but rather about “being.” Ministry flows from relationship. God is looking for participation and not just production. The bane of the matter is the persons who want to work for God and not with God, who want to go out for Him but does not want to be with Him.
(5) “And to Have power”- The minister that will make impact must be the one endued with power from on High. Ministry is not a display of intellectualism or presentation of oratory but demonstration of power. The Church forward match move began after the 120 disciple encountered the power from on high.
(C) MOSES’ MODEL . (EX.3: 1-4: 23)
“Now Moses tending the flock of Jelno his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb the mountain of God. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked and behold ---- said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush does not burn” ---- But Moses said to God, “who am I that I should go to Pharaoh ---- what shall I say to them? --- But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say the Lord has not appeared to you. ---
- O my Lord, I am not eloquent, --- I am slow of speech and slow of tongue ------“
I strongly think Moses represent a lot of people. From the scene of the call of Moses we can say that:
(1) Moses’ shepherding in the desert enriched his resume to lead the people through the same path to Canaan. In leadership, it is required that the leader must be familiar with the terrain and be a head of those he leads.
(2) The sense of wonder like that displayed by children is needed in ministry. Our sense of wonder is needed to help us respond to the divine promptings. Openness is a major key to experiencing divine presence and recognition of godly summon.
(3) A minister that will serve God and do exploit must not have identity crisis. The issue of the understanding of who you are is fundamental to the ministry you are called into. Anyone suffering from split personality cannot lead in ministry. Your understanding of your destiny is the major navigating tool to locate your destination in Christ.
(4) Who sent you? (Ex. 3:13) – It is required that you have in-depth understanding and knowledge of who is sending. It is only those who know their God that will do exploits.
(5) Presuppositions- (Ex. 4:1) one of the greatest challenges that could face the minister is presupposition or stronghold of imagination. God can not be caged in the box of our reasoning.
We live in the time and season when there are many messengers but without any message. Like in the days of Samuel and Elijah there is a serious famine of the true word of God. True message is still in short supply.
(1) AHIMAAZ’S SPIRIT (2 Sam. 18: 19-32)
The story in the above passage is one of the most ministerially interesting stories of the Old Testament that must be read and understood by anyone in Ministry. It is litmus to ascertain where we stand as far as the ministry project is concerned. It is about two messengers on an errand to David; Ahimaaz the son of Zadok and a Cushite whose identity was not well defined. The narrative began with Ahimaaz, a self styled, self appointed, desperate messenger. He was prepared to relay a message he does not know.
Although advised to wait till an appropriate time, he was ready to go all out even when he knew he had no knowledge of the errand. (vs.22). He was ready to dare the consequences.
He “outsmarts” the true messenger in that he knew the way of the plain where he had no need of climbing or detouring. He knew the short cuts.
He was so popular that he was sighted a far off by the King’s men. Vs. 27.
His message had no content, It was a wind without water (vs.29)
On the other hand, the true messenger, the Cushite was:
Truly appointed to bear the tiding
Was not too desperate but calm and collected.
Want the normal route and never used any short cut.
Was not popular in that the King’s men could not identify his real identity
He went straight to the point since his message has real content.
(2) HABAKKUK’S APPROACH (Hab. 2:1-3) “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”
This prophetic declaration is a classical one and it gives a clear direction to how ministry pursuit should be approached.
PROPHETIC BROODING – The message of the minister will only have effect when it is first brooded upon. You must learn to set a watch to wait upon the Lord for the declaration of your vision. You can not proclaim what He has not acclaimed, and affirmed.
PROPHETIC COMMUNICATION – a vision that is well communicated will be well participated. Writing of the vision is a way of communicating the vision. It must be on what can last. The message must equally be made clear for those that will read to understand to run. A vision that will be contagious must be clear.
PROPHETIC MATURATION – There is also the need for the message to be allowed to mature. There is an appointed time for every message to speak for itself. There is a need for waiting for the message to complete its gestation time.
(3) EZRA’S MODEL (Ez 7:6-10)
Other related issues regarding the message of the minister include:
- Its content
- Its context
- Its consistency ( Acts 26:220
- Its clarity
I love to say that VISION shows direction to your destination, UNCTION gives ammunition for your actions and operations, but your MISSION defines your position and it enhances the reproduction and expansion of your vision. In understanding some of the available divine resources and methodologies for ministering, let us observe the:
- ELISHA’S MODEL in 11Kg 6:1-7
- PAULINE MODEL in 1 Cor. 3
- MESSIANIC MODEL reflecting incarnational, transformational, relational, and motivational approaches. In the Messianic style we have;
Selection ( Lk. 6:3, Mk 3:16,2:13-14, Mt 9;9, Lk. 5:27-28, Acts 4:13, Jn. 3:26, 12:19, 11:47-48)
Impartation Jn 20:22
Demonstration Jn 13:15
Delegation Mt. 4:19, Jn 4:2, Mk. 1:17
Supervision Mk. 6:30, Lk. 10:18, 9;10
Reproduction. Jn. 15:16
In addition, in the work of the ministry we equally have the following resources at our disposal:
- Grace (2Cor 12:9-10, 9:8)
- Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8, 1Cor 2:12)
- Faith (2 Cor 4:13, Rm. 4;20-21, Heb. 11:6)
- Love of God (2 Cor 5:14)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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